
Alaska's Winter Wonderland

As of December 31, 2003, Anchorage had received about 64" of snow. The moose pictures were obviously before the snow flew, but the rest were taken just before Christmas.


(click on thumbnails below for larger photo)

Young moose in my yard

Momma joins the brood.

"Artistic" version of the happy family.
(To hide the unfortunate fact that the
original is blurry!)
The following photos were taken at 2:00 in the morning sans flash. I used a tripod and set my digital camera to the maximum exposure length of 15 seconds. There was one of those yellow palls cast by cloudy conditions and an overabundance of sodium streetlights.

This photo did use a flash at
the beginning of the exposure to
highlight the falling snow

Snow filled trees in my yard.


Mailboxes and part of the old
retaining wall. It's one of the rare
occasions in my life where I've had
to shovel out the mailbox!

Young snow filled trees across the street.
The following photos were taken February 2, 2004. It's 9:30 in the morning and that sun is about to rise.

This photo of a cow moose and her
yearling were taken in my yard on

They were taken without flash at about 9:30 in the morning

While the sun still does not rise until
almost 10:00 in the morning, it is still
light until almost 5:30 in the afternoon.